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发布日期:2024年01月12日 | 标签:
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招标项目编号:****-***ZZCCZL*** 项目名称:***卓正煤化工有限公司甲醇醋酸延链优化深加工与综合利用生产高端化学品及新材料项目*×****** Nm*/h(氧气)空分装置 报名暨资格预审公告 项目名称(英文):Signing-up i.e. Qualification Pre-review Announcement for Air Separation Unit of Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. 招标人:***卓正煤化工有限公司 招标机构:***************** 招标机构代码:**** 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 资格预审文件售卖:网下售卖 资格预审文件售价:免费 获取资格预审文件方式:现场领购 资格预审文件领购开始时间:****-**-** 资格预审文件领购截止时间:****-**-** 项目内容:***卓正煤化工有限公司甲醇醋酸延链优化深加工与综合利用生产高端化学品及新材料项目*×****** Nm*/h(氧气)空分装置资格预审公告 *****************受招标人委托对***卓正煤化工有限公司甲醇醋酸延链优化深加工与综合利用生产高端化学品及新材料项目*×****** Nm*/h(O*)空分装置进行国际招标,于****年*月**日在中国国际招标网发布报名暨资格预审公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人进行报名暨资格预审。 一、招标条件 本***卓正煤化工有限公司甲醇醋酸延链优化深加工与综合利用生产高端化学品及新材料项目*×****** Nm*/h(O*)空分装置(招标项目编号:****-***ZZCCZL***),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为自筹资金,招标人为***卓正煤化工有限公司。本项目已具备招标条件,现邀请投标人递交报名暨资格预审文件。 二、项目概况和招标范围 *.*项目简介: ***卓正煤化工有限公司是***汇能煤电集团有限公司收购的全资子公司。甲醇醋酸延链优化深加工与综合利用生产高端化学品及新材料项目位于***苏里格经济开发区纳林河产业园,该项目在原年产***万吨甲醇和***万吨醋酸项目的基础上按照国家绿色低碳、节能环保的产业引导政策,采用先进的工艺技术,建设***万吨/年原煤预处理装置、***万吨/年甲醇装置、**万吨/年醋酸装置、**万吨/年乙醇装置、**万吨/年乙醇酸甲酯 (MG)装置、**万吨/年聚乙醇酸(PGA)装置、*万吨/年聚甲醛(POM)装置、液化天然气(LNG)装置等配套公辅工程。 *.*招标范围: 本次招标空分装置规模为*×******Nm*/h(O*),包括空气压缩系统、预冷系统、纯化系统、制冷及换热系统、分馏及精氩系统、后备及氧氮储罐等单元。该装置工艺所需公用工程,由招标人提供。 三、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:除****年版《机电产品国际招标标准招标文件(第一册)》要求投标人提供的证明文件外,投标人还必须提供: (一)关境外投标人: *)根据该国(地区)的法律,提供在主要制造厂地址注册的有关证明文件; *)提供有效的单位主要负责人授权委托书; *)专有、专利技术的证明文件,如果投标人提供工艺包技术文件不是其公司技术,则投标人应提供技术许可方的正式授权书,且不存在专利纠纷和不影响招标人的使用。 *)自****年*月*日至今,具有至少*套成功运行、且单套规模*****Nm*/h(O*)或以上等级设计、制造的空分装置国内外项目业绩。 *)本次招标不接受联合体投标。 (二)关境内投标人: *)应为中华人民**国境内依法注册的法人或其他组织,提供有效的营业执照或事业法人登记证书; *)投标人应具有良好的商业信誉,没有处于被责令停产、财产被冻结、接管、破 产状态,且附信用报告;提供有效的体系认证报告; *)专有、专利技术的证明文件,如果投标人提供工艺包技术文件不是其公司技术,则投标人应提供技术许可方的正式授权书,且不存在专利纠纷和不影响招标人的使用。 *)不得列入国家企业信用信息公示系统经营异常名录、严重违法失信名单(黑名单),不得列入信用中国经营异常、严重失信主体名单,不得列入中国执行信息公开网失信被执行人名单; *)自****年*月*日至今,具有至少*套成功运行、且单套规模*****Nm*/h(氧气O*)或以上等级设计、制造的空分装置国内外项目业绩。 *)本次招标不接受联合体。 四、资格预审文件编制要求(按如下内容及顺序要求) *.*封面 *.*投标人报名表(格式后附) *.*法人授权书 *.*企业营业执照 *.*提供自****年*月*日至今,至少*单套规模*****Nm*/h(O*)或以上等级空分装置成功运行业绩证明资料(内容至少应包含合同封面、供货范围页、签字页、如合同中无法体现出上述要求,可提供技术文件)。 *.*专有、专利技术的证明文件,如果投标人提供工艺包技术文件不是其公司技术,则投标人应提供技术许可方的正式授权书,且不存在专利纠纷和不影响招标人的使用; *.*投标人资格要求的其他资料; *.*其它有必要提供给招标人的资料; 五、资格预审文件的获取时间及方式: 资格预审文件领取开始时间:****年*月**日 资格预审文件领取截止时间:****年*月**日 资格预审文件领取方式:详见公告资格预审文件编制要求; 六、资格预审文件递交截止时间及地点: 递交截止时间:****年*月**日**时**分**秒 递交地点: 符合条件的意向投标人如有意参加投标,可按本公告要求编制资格预审文件,资格预审文件递交方式以下二种任选: 递交方式一:以电子邮件的形式发送,要求为PDF格式,接收邮箱地址:***********,邮件名为***公司资质预审文件。 递交方式二:现场递交 地址:***自治区************东街**号银联大厦**层。 七、资格预审文件开启 文件开启方式:线下 评审办法:合格制 八、其他公告内容: *.*、投标资格的确定 *.*.*符合本公告所列的资格和条件要求并递交了资格预审文件的投标意向人并不意味着一定获得投标资格。 *.*.*招标人专家组将对全部已收到的资格预审资料进行分析,并独立、自主选择、确定正式的邀请投标人名单。 *.*.*招标人选择和确定邀请投标名单的过程和方法将不会进行公示和告知。 *.*、其他说明 *.*.*本阶段不组织现场踏勘,无进一步的资料提供。 *.*.*本公告的作用仅为遴选邀请投标人,具体技术及经济方面要求以正式的招标文件为准。 *.*.*本次报名暨资格预审为自愿参加,招标人不给予任何补偿,本阶段招标人不提供答疑服务。 *.*.*投标人在投标前应在必联网(https://www.ebnew.com)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https://)或中国国际招标网(http://chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn)完成注册及信息核验。 九、监督部门 本招标项目的监督部门为:***卓正煤化工有限公司 十、联系方式 招标人:***卓正煤化工有限公司 地址:********苏里格经济开发区纳林河产业园***卓正煤化工有限公司 联系人:杨智 电话:**-*********** 采购代理机构名称:***************** 地址:***自治区************东街**号银联大厦**层 联系人:李坤基 尹乐乐 张娜 电话:**-****-******* 电子邮件:*********** ***************** ****年*月**日 附件:报名登记表 投标人报名登记表 供方名称 组织机构代码 营业执照注册号 税务登记证编号 企业法人 注册日期 营业执照有效期 注册资金 企业注册地 注册级别 □国家级□省、直辖*、自治区级□地*级□*区级 企业类别 □国有□集体□私营□个体□合资□其它 联系地址 邮政编码 联系人 联系电话 企业网站 E-mail 企业资质 认证情况及 认证机构 主营项目 兼营项目 主要业绩 附件(证书 及证明材料) 备注 项目内容(英文):*×****** Nm*/h(O*) Air Separation Unit for the Project of Methanol Acetic Acid Chain Extension Optimization Deep Processing and Comprehensive Use for Producing High End Chemicals and New Materials of Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. Signing-up i.e. Qualification Prereview Announcement Upon the entrustment from the bid inviter, Inner Mongolia Zhongshi Engineering Bid Invitation Consulting Co., Ltd. conducts international bid invitation on the *×****** Nm*/h(O*) Air Separation Unit for the Project of Methanol Acetic Acid Chain Extension Optimization Deep Processing and Comprehensive Use for Producing High End Chemicals and New Materials of Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., and publishes the Signing-up i.e. Qualification Prereview Announcement at China International Bid Invitation Net (http://chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn/) on Jan. **, ****. The bid invitation of this time adopts the traditional bid invitation way, and now invites qualified bidders to sign up, i.e. accept the qualification pre-review. I.Bid Invitation Conditions The *×****** Nm*/h(O*) Air Separation Unit (Bid Invitation Project No.: ****-***ZZCCZL***) for the Project of Methanol Acetic Acid Chain Extension Optimization Deep Processing and Comprehensive Use for Producing High End Chemicals and New Materials of Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. has been approved by the project review / approval / recording authorities. The source of fund for the project is self-raised fund. The bid inviter is Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. This project has been equipped with bid invitation conditions, and now invites bidders to submit a signing-up document, i.e. a qualification pre-review document. II.Project Overview and Bid Invitation Scope *.* Project Overview Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary acquired by Inner Mongolia Huineng Coal Power Group Co., Ltd. The Project of Methanol Acetic Acid Chain Extension Optimization Deep Processing and Comprehensive Use for Producing High End Chemicals and New Materials is located at Nalinhe Industrial Park, Sulige Economic Development Area, Wushen Banner. On the basis of the former projects of annual production capacity of *,***,*** tons of methanol and *,***,*** tons of acetic acid, according to the national industry guidance policies of green, low carbon, energy saving and environmental protection, this project adopts advanced process technologies, to construct supporting public and auxiliary projects such as a Raw Coal Pretreatment Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of *,***,*** Tons / Year, a Methanol Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of *,***,*** Tons / Year, an Acetic Acid Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of ***,*** Tons / Year, an Ethanol Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of ***,*** Tons / Year, a Methyl Glycolate (MG) Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of ***,*** Tons / Year, a Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of ***,*** Tons / Year, a Polyformaldehyde (POM) Plant With the Annual Production Capacity of **,*** Tons / Year, and a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant. *.* Bid Invitation Scope: The scale of the air separation unit for the bid invitation of this time is *×******Nm*/h(O*), including an Air Compression System, a Precooling System, a Purifying System, a Refrigeration and Heat Transfer System, a Fractionation and Refined Argon System, backup and oxygen nitrogen storage tanks, and other relevant units. The public utilities for the process of this unit will be provided by the bid inviter. III.Qualification Requirements for the Bidder The qualifications or performances that the bidder shall have: in addition to the certification documents that the bidder shall provide as required by the Standard Bid Invitation Document for International Bid Invitation of Electromechanical Products (Volume I) of Edition ****, the bidder must also provide: (I) The Bidder Outside the Border: *) Providing relevant certification documents of registering at the addresses of main manufacturing factories according to the laws of the country (district); *) Providing an effective authorization and entrustment letter issued by the organization main person in charge; *) Certification documents of proprietary or patent technologies; if the process package technical document provided by the bidder is not the technologies of its company, then the bidder shall provide the formal authorization letters from technical licensors, and shall ensure that the technologies do not have patent disputes and will not affect the use by the bid inviter. *) From Jan. *, **** to present, at home and abroad, the bidder shall have designed or manufactured at least * sets of air separation units each of which has a scale of *****Nm*/h(O*) or above and has run successfully. *) The bid invitation of this time does not accept joint body bidding. (II) The Bidder Within the Border: *) The bidder shall be a legal person or an organization registered according to laws within the border of the People’s Republic of China, and shall provide a valid business license or public institution legal person registration certificate; *) The bidder shall have a good commercial reputation, and is not in a status of being ordered to stop production, or a status of property being frozen or taken over, or a status of bankruptcy, and a credit report shall be provided for such a status; a valid system certification report shall be provided; *) Certification documents of proprietary or patent technologies; if the process package technical document provided by the bidder is not the technologies of its company, then the bidder shall provide the formal authorization letters from technical licensors, and shall ensure that the technologies do not have patent disputes and will not affect the use by the bid inviter. *) The bidder shall not be in the Name List of Abnormal Operation or the Name List of Serious Violence of Laws or Loss of Credit (Black List) of China National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, the Name List of Body of Abnormal Operation or Loss of Credit of Credit China, or the Name List of Dishonest Judgment Debtors of China Executive Information Disclosure Network; *) From Jan. *, **** to present, at home and abroad, the bidder shall have designed or manufactured at least * sets of air separation units each of which has a scale of *****Nm*/h(O*) or above and has run successfully. *) The bid invitation of this time does not accept joint body bidding. IV.Preparation Requirements of the Qualification Pre-review Document (According to the Following Content and Sequence Requirements) *.* Cover *.* Bidder Signing-up Form (with the format attached later) *.* Legal Person Authorization Letter *.* Enterprise Business License *.* Providing the performance certification materials of successful running of at least * sets of air separation unit each of which is of the grade of *****Nm*/h(O*) or above from Jan. *, **** to present (The content shall at least include Contract Cover, Goods Supply Scope Page, and Signing Page; if these requirements cannot be embodied in the contract, technical documents can be provided.). *.* Certification documents of proprietary or patent technologies; if the process package technical document provided by the bidder is not the technologies of its company, then the bidder shall provide the formal authorization letters from technical licensors, and shall ensure that the technologies do not have patent disputes and will not affect the use by the bid inviter. *.* Other materials required by the bidder qualification; *.* Other materials that are necessary to be provided to the bid inviter; V. Obtaining Time and Way of the Qualification Pre-review Document: Starting time of collecting the qualification pre-review document: Jan. **, ****; Ending time of collecting the qualification pre-review document: Jan. **, ****; The way of collecting the qualification pre-review document: see the Preparation Requirements of the Qualification Pre-review Document in the Announcement for details. VI. Ending Time and Place of Submitting the Qualification Pre-review Document: The submitting cutting-off time: **:**:**, Jan. **, **** Submitting Place: If an intentional bidder conforming to conditions has the intention to participate in the bidding, it can prepare the qualification pre-review document according to the requirements said in this announcement, and the submitting way of the qualification pre-review document is one of the following two ways: Submitting Way I: sending in the form of email and in the format of PDF; the receiving email address: ***********; the email title: the Qualification Pre-review Document of *** Company. Submitting Way II: On-site Submitting Address: Floor **, Yinlian Building, No. **, Ordos East Street, Saihan District, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. VII.Starting of the Qualification Pre-review Document Document starting way: offline Review method: pass system VIII.Other Announcement Content: *.*. Determination of the Bidding Qualification *.*.* An intentional bidder conforming to the qualifications and conditions listed in this announcement and submitting the qualification pre-review document will not obtain the bidding qualification certainly. *.*.* The experts group of the bid inviter will analyze all received qualification pre-review documents, and will determine a name list of formally invited bidders independently and discretionally. *.*.* The course and method of determining a name list of formally invited bidders by the bid inviter will not be published and notified. *.*. Other Notes *.*.* An on-site survey will not be organized in this stage, and no further materials need to be provided. *.*.* The function of this announcement is only to select and invite bidders and the specific requirements in the technical and economic aspects will be subject to the formal bid invitation document. *.*.* The signing-up i.e. qualification pre-review is self-willing participation, and the bid inviter will not give any compensation. In this stage, the bid inviter will not provide question answering services. *.*.* The bidder shall complete registration and information verification at the Ebnew Net (https://www.ebnew.com) or the Electromechanical Products Bid Invitation and Bidding Electronic Transaction Platform (https://) or China International Bid Invitation Net (http://chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn). IX.Supervising Authority The supervising authority for this bid invitation project is: Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. X.Contact Way Bid inviter: Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. Address: Inner Mongolia Zhuozheng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., Nalinhe Industrial Park, Sulige Economic Development Area, Wushen Banner, Ordos City Contact person: YANG Zhi Tel: **-*********** Name of purchase agent organization: Inner Mongolia Zhongshi Engineering Bid Invitation Consulting Co., Ltd. Address: Floor **, Yinlian Building, No. **, Ordos East Street, Saihan District, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Contact person: LI Kunji, YIN Lele, ZHANG Na Tel: **-****-******* Email: *********** Inner Mongolia Zhongshi Engineering Bid Invitation Consulting Co., Ltd. Jan. **, **** Attachment: Signing-up Registration Table Signing-up Registration Table of the Bidder Name of Supplier Organizational Code Business License Registration No. Tax Registration Certificate No. Enterprise Legal Person Registration Date Valid Term of Business License Registered Capital Enterprise Registration Place Registration Level □ national level □ province, municipality or autonomous region level □prefecture or city level □ county or district level Business Type □State-owned □Collective-owned □Private □Sole proprietorship □joint venture □ others Contact Address Zip Code Contact Person Contact Tel Enterprise Website E-mail Enterprise Qualifications Certification Circumstances and Certification Institutions Main Operation Items Non-main Operational Items Main Performances Attachments (Certificates and Certification Materials) Remarks


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